Wilson Creek flows into Lake Menomin just north of the dam. The headwaters of the creek start around the Village of Wilson, west of Menomonie, and then flows past the Village of Knapp. The upper reaches of the creek have some excellent trout fishing spots. Trout Unlimited has been working to restore the creek and its tributaries. There is an excellent restored area along the creek just east of Knapp, accessible along County Rd O. The lower reaches of the creek are plagued by excessive sediment and fertilizer runoff that negatively affect water quality. The Wilson & Annis Creek Watershed Partnership is working to improve water quality and improve habitat in the watershed. There are funds available to help implement projects on private land that improve water quality.

September 2018 view of Echo Rock that has since broken away highlighting the dynamic landscape of Wilson Creek.Wilson Creek pond in March 2020, a feature separate from the main channel of the creek."Take out here" dam portage view.


The meadowJune view below the old tourist parkEarly November 2020 just upstream from the meadowEcho Rock November 2020