The following was copied from the Lawrence County Historical Quarterly, Spring 2009. Vol. 13 No. 1. pp. 18-19. The original text is very brief, and in many places so poorly written that one cannot tell what the author meant. Any more information which might embellish or clarify would be welcome. Also, there is a picture of J.B. in the issue that should be scanned and uploaded here.


James Barney Haley was an early twentieth century stockman. His cattle herd was mostly comprised of white-faced Herefords, and numbered about 100 to 120. Twice a year, in the spring and early fall, Haley would move his herd back and forth between his ranch at Denton (a now-deserted village that would have stood along State Highway 117) and his ranch at Powhatan for better grazing management. In 1900,  new laws mandated that all ranchers register their cattle brands and ear markings. Haley's brand was the number 7 on the right hip. Despite his hard work, precautions, and good relationships with landowners on his drive trail, thieves were a problem.

Haley died in 1954.