Born: 1871 at Utica

Died: May 12, 1931

Married: Linda Venetia Migel Mallinson

Children: Lorna Mallinson Bowen

Hiram Royal Mallinson was a New York silk manufacturer, "president of the country's largest silk manufacturing company, a patron member of the Metropolitan Museum of Arts [sic] and a member of the United Hunts Club, Manhattan Club and others." 1 Mr. and Mrs. Mallinson donated $250,000 to the Trudeau Sanatorium "in memory of their daughter, Mrs. Lorna Mallinson Bowen, who had been a patient, and died at the age of 28." 2 Perhaps Marguerite Armstrong was dissembling a bit when she described Lorna Mallinson as having been a patient, which here is assumed to be a TB patient; or perhaps the Milwaukee Sentinel was fed a family cover story that after a "nervous break-down, she was sent for a month to Dr. Ford's sanatorium, near Kingston, New York." Lorna's illness, whether TB or a nervous breakdown, is not known. The name Mallinson also appeared on a map of camps on Upper St. Regis Lake in 1960. 3

Lorna Mallinson Bowen fell or jumped to her death in the midst of a dispute between her father and her husband. Mr. Mallinson died a few years later upon receipt of notice that his son-in-law, Eugene A. Bowen, was suing him for a million dollars for alienation of his wife's affections. 4

See also:



1. Milwaukee Sentinel, June 14, 1931.
2. Armstrong, Marguerite. Scrapbook #3, page 38.
3. Hooker, Mildred Phelps Stokes. Camp Chronicles. Blue Mountain Lake, NY: Adirondack Museum, 1964. Map, page 58.
4. "Tragic Deaths of Multi-millionaire Mallinson and his Daughter", Milwaukee Sentinel, Jun 14, 1931. (full text)