The White House Memorial Garden is a memorial that is on the campus of Norfolk State University. This memorial is adjacent to the Lyman Beecher Brooks Library and on the side of Brown Memorial Hall.  The White House was the oldest building on campus; it was build in 1920 on the property of C.W. Wilson farmhouse dating back to 1874. The city of Norfolk bought the property and made it into a memorial municipal park for World War 1 veterans in 1921. In 1923, the property was made into a golf course and African Americans were not allowed to be on the property or use facilities until the last years of the course existing reserving two days a week for them. The city of Norfolk donated the property and fifty-five acres of land to Norfolk state University and the university moved on this land. There were stories that stated the property was purchased for one dollar from the city of Norfolk and it became the location for the university. The White House was used as living quarters for athletes while the home economics department used the first floor. The Psychology department as well as the Gerontology Program used this building for their activities. The White House was used from the 1970's to the 1980's by staff members and students until the building was condemned and the site where the building stood became the White House Memorial Garden. This building will be always be a  part of Norfolk State's beginning as a university for African Americans in the city of Norfolk. The White House Memorial Garden represents the struggle and determination of African Americans that was living in the early 20th century who wanted education and to make  a difference. 

1Brooks,Lyman Beecher. Upward; The History of Norfolk State University 1935-1975 Washington D.C.

                   Howard University Press. @1983

2Brooks, F. Eric and Glenn L. Sparks. Historically Black Colleges and Universities. @2011

3Bogger, Tommy. Pictorial History of Norfolk State University 1935-2010. Virginia Beach, Va

                        Donning Company Publishers. @2010. 

Pic. of White House Memorial Garden (Back View)  11/24/14  The White House Memorial Garden 11/24/14