The Psi Sigma Chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi the Professional Business Fraternity is located on the campus of UNC Greensboro. Alpha Kappa Psi was founded in New York, New York at New York University. In 1904, Alpha Kappa Psi was founded on the principles of educating its members and the public to appreciate and demand higher ideals in business and to further the individual welfare of members during college and beyond. College men and women everywhere are discovering that Alpha Kappa Psi is much more than just another organization or club—it is a unique, prestigious association of students, professors, graduates, and professionals with common interests and goals. The Psi Sigma Chapter was founded on February 20th, 2010 by 32 Charter members.



Core Values 


Trust, respect, cooperation, companionship, and aid to brothers is the expected norm



Education and experience are emphasized and shared



All actions, whether in business or in life, are guided by honesty, ethics, and fairness



Sharing of time, talent, and treasure with society and with our fraternity is a priority



A common understanding of our vision and values that transcends chapter, generation, and profession is utilized to anticipate and create the future


About Psi Sigma

Alpha Kappa Psi is the largest and oldest Business Fraternity. The UNC Greensboro chapter is a co-ed business Fraternity that is welcoming to all majors. Currently, Psi Sigma has Brother members that are studying Sociology, Business Administration, Philosophy, Accounting, Political Science, and more!

What AKPsi Does

AKPsi prepares Brother Members and members of the UNC Greensboro community for success in networking, interview readiness, cover letter literacy, and opportunities for Business and Career Success. Over the course of this semester alone, Psi Sigma has hosted events to help individuals develop in salary negotiation, personal branding, LinkedIn navigation, Resume workshops, and several community service events.