
Image result for geeksboro

"You belong here."

Geeksboro Coffeehouse Cinema is a self-proclaimed " locally owned coffee shop and event space that allows geeks and nerds to share the things they love with a COMMUNITY OF FANS!" They provide an inclusive environment for people from all walks of life. Visitors of Geeksboro Coffeehouse Cinema can walk in, enjoy a cup of coffee, play retro video games, play any board game from a huge catalog, or go downstairs to watch a movie in their cinema.

Private Rentals

Geeksboro Coffeehouse Cinema also provides guests with the option to rent the space for a private event. They allow for the use their projector, all gaming systems, and provide all chairs and tables. For guests 21+, they are licensed to sell beer and wine.


Geeksboro Coffeehouse Cinema hosts and promotes many events and tournaments. Coinciding with Super Famicon 2017 in Downtown Greensboro, North Carolina, Geeksboro hosted various tournaments on featured games, such as Super Smash Bros Melee, Mario Kart 64, and GoldenEye 64. Geeksboro on November 7th hosted a showing of the documentary of Ric Flair called "The Nature Boy."

Daily Times

Monday-Thursday: 7 AM- 11 PM

Friday: 7AM-12AM

Saturday: 8AM-12AM

Sunday: 8AM-11PM


The establishment is located at 2134 Lawndale Dr, Greensboro NC 27408.



Phone - 336-355-7180

