What do you know about Legionnaires Disease?

Timeline: Legionnaires Disease

January 16, 2016. Public never told, but investigators suspected Flint River tie to Legionnaires' in 2014. Flint Journal. "Public health officials identified the Flint River as a potential source of a deadly outbreak of Legionnaires' disease some 15 months ago, but people using the water were never told until this week, documents obtained by The Flint Journal-MLive show. Records obtained through the Freedom of Information Act by The Journal show an investigation aimed at making a connection -- or ruling out a tie -- between Flint River water and Legionnaires' bogged down as key agencies in the probe clashed and the information never reached the public."

January 13, 2016. Announcement that multiple people in Flint, many of which had consumed Flint water, had been taken ill with and died from Legionnaires Disease.

October 16, 2015. Searching for a potentially new problem in Flint's water. Michigan Radio. "Virginia Tech researchers are back in Flint testing the city’s water. This time they’re looking for bacteria that can lead to a variety of illnesses, including Legionnaire’s Disease."