Tasha (or Cujo)
Aussie/Lab/Border Collie/Something or another
April 9th?
Independent (on a good day)
Afraid of...
Kayaks, unicycles, small dogs, mailboxes, vacuums, horses

Tasha has absolutely no interest in following commands, unless there are large quantities of food involved, and even then she tends to take her time. We're trying.

Tasha was, formerly, a recognizable dog. Apparently her parents are an extremely busy pair, however, and there's now about a million dogs around Davis that look like Tasha. You've probably seen at least ten of them in the shelter showcases. You also may have seen her littermate, Daisy, who has been in the Davis Enterprise on the grounds that she's a service dog. I'm not 100% sure about the names of the other puppies, but the girls all had flower names that start with D. Would love to meet the others. (:

Feb. 3rd- Tasha almost got mauled by a Chihuahua in front of Petco today. I think she's scarred for life.