Adam Shapiro
[email protected]
(530) 304-7989
Payment Methods
U.S. Dollars, Davis Dollars

A Journey In Forgiveness uses the principles of the Power of Clearing based on Sandy Levey Lundén’s “The Clearing Process.” Started in 1990, this process creates a safe space to clear issues that are blocking you from love and freedom. Clearings can help to work through emotional, mental, and physical stressors or upsets. Clearing helps move past self-defeating, self-judgmental thoughts and behaviors so that you can fully experience life. Thoughts and feelings are examined and then released. Releasing destructive themes from your life allows you to experience peace in your relationships and continue on your path of personal growth. After a Clearing, you will look at relationships and situations with fresh eyes- without judgment, resentment, and fear. Benefits of Clearing include better interpersonal relationships, happiness, peace, resilience during tough times, and turning more energy in personal goals. If you are ready to live a happier and healthier life, please contact me, Adam Shapiro, at (530) 304-7989, for a free introductory clearing session. Rates range from $30-$60 per hour. No one is turned away.

A Journey in Forgiveness is one of many Counseling and Psychological Services here in Davis.


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