The Village of Attica is proud to announce that we have secured a WIIA (Water Infrastructure Improvement Act) grant from New York State in the amount of $5,000,000 towards the improvements of our Water Treatment Plant.  Administrator Douglas Post was instrumental in obtaining this grant but not without the work and diligence of Water Treatment Plant Chief Operator Matthew Durfee, and Deputy Clerk Julie Cook, also the following LaBella staff members - Matt Higgins, Ed Flynn, and Barbara Johnston, who assisted the Village in writing this grant.  The Attica Village board (Mayor Nate Montford, Trustees Roger Durfee, Hans Walker, Gary Guralny, and Matt Sage) are also to be congratulated for approving the vision to allow this project to move forward.        

Administrator Post is also proud to announce a $50,000 grant we secured from CWSRF (Clean Water State Revolving Fund) for a planning grant to study our treatment process and Inflow & Infiltration at the Wastewater Treatment Plant.  Special thanks to Waste Water Treatment Plant Chief Operator Douglas Beitz for his work on this project.