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Welcome to the Sunset Park Popular Assembly LocalWiki!

¡Bienvenidxs al LocalWiki de la Asamblea Popular de Sunset Park!

The Sunset Park Popular Assembly is an autonomous, self-managed, directly democratic space to advance the interests of the popular sectors of Sunset Park: sectors such as tenants, workers, and students. It is a space for organizing, collective decision-making, and community building that is free from the control or influence from bosses, landlords, police, politicians, and political parties. 

La Asamblea Popular de Sunset Park es un espacio autonomo, auto-gestionado, y  directamente democratica para avanzar los intereses de los sectores populares de Sunset Park: sectores como inquilinxs, trabajadorxs y estudiantes. Es un espacio para organizarnos, hacer decisiones colectivamente, y construir comunidad, que es libre del control y influencia de lxs jefxs, propietarixs, la policia, lxs politicxs, y partidos politicos. 

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