Welcome to the East Bay Ride Niches LocalWiki!

A website about East Bay Ride Niches that anyone can edit

I want to make a page about

Welcome to the East Bay Ride Niches Local Wiki page(s)!! 

East Bay: Large urban and suburban subregion  of the SF Bay Area.

Ride: What you do when you pedal your bike. 

Niches1 , 2: Small, hidden spaces for certain skills, and training

Below you will notice several links to other pages. These are a small sampling of technical cycling friendly spots that I have found in the area highlighted. All are easy to find...if you're local. If not: there will be links to the closest road!

Please be courteous when visiting the trails, properties, and parks as we all want to be welcomed back. Please don't give people the wrong idea about cyclists!

Cover Photo credit: Ryan Koenigs

Some interesting pages